Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

How Green Drinks Improve Your Health

For the health fanatics, you have probably heard of the term “green drink” and are aware of the benefits. For those who are not in the know, a green drink is a drink that uses vegetables and other green plants that work to make up the lack of nutritional values that are in our diets and help to alkalize the body. A regular use of green drinks will increase energy, reduce infections, reduce yeast and get rid of toxins that are finding themselves in our bodies. You will find yourself waking up earlier in the morning and will no longer have the urge for caffeine or sugar-based products to create a pick-me-up.

You can purchase green drinks in powder form, which is mixed with liquid, some mix this powder in fruit smoothies for a delicious, refreshing morning breakfast or snack. Or you can buy capsules which is ideal for those who are on the go.

Green drinks have 49 green vegetables, grains and whole grasses, in a power drink, that will allow your body to easily digest over 125 minerals, amino acids and vitamins. With this formula being highly rich in nutrients it will alkaline the body by pulling tissue and blood balances, therefore maintaining an increasing strong alkaline function. Dr. Young makes sure that each plant is pulled when they are at their nutritional peak, then every ingredient is concentrated at to make sure that it is at the cleanest and most pure state.

Being so used to foods that are artificially flavored, sweetened and extremely processed, it can take a little while to get use to the natural and rich taste of green drinks. You will find that using these nutritional drinks on a regular basis, you will start to crave the taste of it, which is naturally sweet. This will also happen as your body will become more cleansed by purging the toxins with green drinks.
Some of ingredients that are packed into this green drink include; Kelp, Kamut Grass, Alfalfa Sprouts, Dandelion Greens, White Willow, Rosehips, Broccoli and Kale. So many ingredients that provide so many benefits such as, lowering cholesterol, adding protein, anti-cancer, strengthen blood, improving digestion and immune systems, joint health, mental acuity, improving sore throats and allergies. And the list goes on and on.

Green drinks usually come in either a ¼ lb. or 1 lb. Micro-Fine Powder or 90 Colloidal Capsule. This green drink (or capsule) should be taken four times daily – equaling to four liters of water daily. The scoop equals out to be one teaspoon, which in the beginning, one should only use a half a scoop, then increase to the full serving amount after a week. For the maximum benefits use distilled water or add anywhere from six to eight drops of Prime pH into your water. For some it may be hard to drink four liters of water every day, you can always start with 1 ½ liters slowly moving yourself up to four.
It shouldn’t take too long before you start feeling the effect of the SuperGreens. One day you will find yourself with increased energy, feeling fresh and energized in the morning, and do not be surprised if you start to wake up for the alarm clock goes off. You will notice your overall health will improve and will feel grateful when you are able to ward off illness. You will feel clean, energized, mentally sound and just overall great!

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Dangers Of Diet Soda Include Increased Heart Stroke Risk

Diet soda and salt, two mainstays of many diets have come under scrutiny by researchers who wonder what these things are doing to the body. A bit of unsettling new research suggests the dangers of diet soda may include boosting your heart stroke risk.

A separate study by the same team using data from the same source found that consuming high levels of salt was also associated with a higher stroke risk. In the US stroke comes third in the league table of leading causes of death (with heart disease and cancer in the first two spots) and kills over 137,000 a year.

The diet soda portion of the study saw a significantly increased risk for those who drank the diet versions of beverages, but not for those who drank regular soda.
Earlier work on soda intake found that people who had more than one of these beverages a day (either the regular or diet variety) had a greater chance of developing metabolic syndrome, which is a group of risk factors that up the chances of diabetes and heart disease according to experts.

To evaluate stroke risk in relation to diet soda, researchers looked at the soda drinking habits of just over 2,500 subjects. The participants completed food questionnaires that included information on how much soda they drank, what type it was, and how often they drank it.
During the nine years the participants were followed, 559 people had a vascular event, including both types of strokes – hemorrhagic and those brought on by clots (ischemic stroke).

The research team controlled for stroke risk factors like age, ethnicity, gender, levels of exercise, number of calories, smoking history and alcohol intake and still saw that participants who drank diets sodas every day had a 61% increased risk of stroke compared with those who didn’t drink any soda daily. The team even controlled for metabolic syndrome, those suffering from hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and heart disease history and the link still was strong, though lower, at 48% increased risk of stroke.

The reason for the link between diet drinks and stroke risk remains unknown and the work did not show a cause and effect relationship. The research findings do suggest that drinking lots of diet soda every day might not be the best thing for the body… something to think about while waiting for more research to be done.

They also conducted a separate study that concluded a high level of salt intake was associated with a higher stroke risk. For this work the salt intake of 2,657 participants was examined, and followed for nearly a decade. During follow up, 187 ischemic strokes took place, with subjects who took in over 4,000 milligrams of sodium a day having twice the risk of stroke compared to participants who had less than 1,500 milligrams of salt daily.

The American Heart Association tells us that we should take in a maximum of 1,500 milligrams of sodium a day, while the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans call for intake under 2,300 milligrams daily, with those over 51 years old, or who are part of specific groups such as those who have high blood pressure, kidney disease, diabetes, or are African American advised to stick with 1,500 milligrams.

Your best bet, if you’re concerned about heart stroke risk and the dangers of diet soda is to avoid all forms of soda on a daily basis and keep your salt intake under the recommended allowances. A slip once in a while won’t hurt you, but high, regular daily intakes just might.

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Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

5 Natural Fat Burning Foods

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they try to lose weight is to pack their kitchen with strange, almost food items. Artificial sweeteners, chemical combinations that are called frozen dinners, low fat this and low fat that all lead to an unsustainable lifestyle that wears thin very quickly. What they should do is fill their kitchen with real, natural, fat burning foods that taste great and will become part of a completely new lifestyle.

1 – Raw Nuts
I know, nuts are high in fat, but they are high in the right types of fat. Eating the right fats helps you lose weight. Your body converts these fats into energy much more efficiently and quickly. Make sure the nuts you eat are raw. Your best choices are walnuts, almonds, filberts, Brazil nuts and others that are high in omega 3 fatty acids. Packing a powerful protein boost as well as the right kinds of fats, raw nuts and nut butters are tasty and filling.

2 – Lean Meats
Not only do lean meats help keep you strong and healthy, they provide needed nutrition for building muscle. Eating a lean source of good protein with each meal slows down the insulin reaction that carbohydrates naturally cause. Protein sources should include grass fed meats, organic whole eggs and poultry and wild caught, preferably deep-water fish. Every meal should have a protein component if you want to burn off that fat.

3 – Healthy Fats
The best fat you can consume is coconut oil. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid; a compound that not only has powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties, it is loaded with medium chain fatty acids that help your body burn extant fat.
Another great fat you should consume is omega 3 fatty acids. In our culture, we eat a lot of unhealthy grains and they are rich in omega 6 fatty acids, causing a terrible imbalance in our bodies. That imbalance leads to chronic inflammation, among other things. Stick to organic butter, olive oil and coconut oil – nothing else. All other fat sources should be coming from your foods.

4 – The Right Carbs
I don’t want to give you the impression that you should never eat any carbohydrates. You need them so that your body can function properly. Just make sure you get your carbs from fruits and vegetables, not refined grains. In fact, the majority of your cabs should come from these sources, not grains at all.
Carbs that aren’t used in short order will get stored as fat, so eat them after you exercise to refuel muscles that have been used. Finally, eat any whole grains in conjunction with a source of protein.

5 – Water
Okay, technically, water isn’t a food, but it is about the only thing you should be drinking anyway. Not only does every cell in your body crave water, water helps flush away the fat that is melting off your body when you do all the right things nutritionally. If you must have some coffee, drink it black or sweeten it with a little bit of stevia, otherwise, stick to water.

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How To Move On From A Bad Relationship

It has to end. No matter how painful it is, that time is now. Breaking up is never easy. Deciding to end a relationship, no matter how imperfect it is, will always be emotionally and mentally traumatic. In spite of the imperfections, you did share wonderful and intimate times together.

Like what they say, memories are easy to make but are hard to forget and remembering makes it harder to move on. That person you are saying goodbye to has been a part of you. Detaching yourself from him can be very painful and unimaginable. But like everything else in life, think that this too, shall pass and no matter how hard it is to move on, in the end, things will fall into its place.

"Things do happen for a reason" and "What doesn’t kill you can only make you stronger", these clichés are very important to psyche yourself up to move on from a break up. To move on from a bad relationship, you need to remember and do a few things. First, you have got to put it in your head that it is over.

No more hoping, no more fantasizing that he will call you and get back together. Once you get this into your system, allow yourself to cry your heart out. It’s healthy to cry because you are actually saying goodbye to him and to his memories. Aside from crying, expect that you will be very angry at a certain level.

You will be angry at yourself, at him or to your friend who introduced you to him. Again, this is normal but you have to deal with your anger in a healthy way. Some write, while others talk it out with friends. Some engage themselves into work, others take boxing lessons.

My point is you should have a healthy outlet for all your angst. To move on from a break-up, it also helps if you get rid of anything that reminds you of him. This means removing his number in your cellphone, deleting his pictures in your mobile phone gallery and throwing away all those memorabilia he gave you.

Keeping a remembrance from him can only prolong your state of nostalgia. Don’t torture yourself. Also, if you want to move on from a bad relationship, never romanticize your past. Yes, he was a great lover and he was thoughtful at times but snap out of it! Letting all those mushy things get into your head can make you weak and again make you think twice about the break up.

If you want to move on then guard yourself from romanticizing your past. It helps if you jot down the things that you hate about him or the reason why you broke up with him in the first place. Be ruthless and honest, take this note out when you feel weak and had the urge to call him.

How to get over someone who has been with you for a couple of months or years can be depressing but ones you have learned to take care of yourself without him, its not as bad as you think it is. So if you want to move on take good care of yourself.

Eat right, sleep right, dance, sing, go to the gym, and hang out with friends. If you feel good physically, you’ll feel good mentally and emotionally. Don’t be afraid to move on, it may be the greatest gift that you have given yourself.

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Diet and Effort to Have Offspring

What you eat can affect the sex cells, better known as 'sperm' for men and 'egg' for women. Fertility in touch with what food is in the eating, so do a balanced diet can increase the chances to conceive and produce healthy offspring in the future. You do not have the power to change something that is derivative, but of course you can control what goes into the stomach.

Actual differences in the male reproductive cycle and women is that men produce new sperm every day while women are born with a finite number of eggs and are not renewable in their ovaries. Because the quality of the eggs continued to decrease with age, so women who are aged above 35 years is more difficult to conceive. On the other hand, men face different problems. Their fertility levels are heavily influenced by the quality, quantity and spontaneous movement of their sperm. Usefulness of their reproductive organs, like testis, and epididymis skotrum (located in the vessel), also have an influence.

Lack of food can damage the reproductive system. Zinc, folic acid and calcium, which is a mineral that can be found in food, should always be part of the daily diet to maintain fertility or fertility rates. Consumption is also A, C, E and selenium, which in sufficient quantities to function as antioxidants, to fight free radicals from cigarette, alcohol, drugs and others.

If you want to have offspring, then you need to pay attention to what you eat. If you have not noticed your diet, get started, before it's too late. 

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Danger of Smoking in the Morning

Smoking in the morning, especially accompanied by a cup of coffee, has become a ritual that hard to break. However, these habits seem to need to be stopped from smoking at the beginning of the day is more dangerous than smoking on the day or night.

Research shows that smoking after waking up would increase the risk of lung cancer, neck and head. "Morning smokers have high levels of nicotine and other toxins from tobacco in his body. They are also more addicted than smokers who refrained from smoking a half hour or so after waking up," said researcher Joshua Muscat of Penn State College of Medicine.

To find out why some smokers get cancer and not, Muscat and his team examined the link between cancer risk is there with the habit of first cigarette in the morning.

The first study involved 4775 patients with lung cancer and 2835 of other smokers without lung cancer. Those who smoke 30 minutes after waking up 1.79 times higher risk of suffering from lung cancer than those who waited more than 60 minutes. Meanwhile, those who smoked 31-60 minutes after waking up had 1.31 times the risk compared to those who wait at least an hour.

The second study involved 1055 people with brain and neck cancer and 795 people who smoked but did not suffer brain and neck cancer. Those who smoked within 30 minutes when you wake up 1.59 times the risk of brain and neck cancer compared with those who waited an hour.

The risk of smokers who smoked 31-60 minutes after waking up 1.42 times than those who wait at least an hour. 

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Foods That Cause Acne. Acne is one of the most hated enemy by everyone, especially women. Acne is not including a dangerous disease. But its presence is very annoying, though acne is not harmful but should we treat and handle well.
Acne is caused by clogged pores due to overactive oil glands. Although many medical experts who denied any connection between acne with the food we eat, there's no harm in avoiding some foods that supposedly can trigger acne.

Here are some foods can cause acne:

1. Sugar and Chocolate
Chocolate may be one of the most food trigger acne. Archives of Dermatology published a study which explains that the food has a high Glycemic Index scale, usually in processed carbohydrates such as sugar can cause the appearance of acne due to increased hormone levels.

2. Milk
Some studies show a high milk intake may be associated with the appearance of acne. A Harvard study found that teens who drink milk more than two servings a day are more likely to suffer from severe acne. That is because the increase in growth hormone which causes the sebaceous glands in the skin become clogged.

3. Iodine
Iodine may be one factor in the appearance of acne, such as skin oil glands which can irritate skin that is prone to acne. Iodine can be found in fish and shellfish because sea water contains iodine. In addition other sources comes from iodized salt which is a component of several types of canned food.

4.Caffeine and Alcohol
Caffeine is considered to trigger the appearance of acne because it can affect hormone levels produced by the body. Some sources of caffeine are coffee, tea, soft drinks, and chocolate. In addition, alcohol also causes an increase in hormones, particularly testosterone can cause acne more often.

5. Food Allergy Triggers
Skin problems often arise due to food allergies, especially milk and eggs. Acne appears due to the immune system tries to fight the poison that is felt. An allergist has diagnosed and confirmed the relationship of food allergy with severe acne.

6. Fruit and Vegetable Characteristically Acid
Some fruits and vegetables that are acidic can cause the appearance of acne, such as carrots, cucumbers, oranges, and lettuce. The acidity of the body can cause the appearance of acne, because it should be avoided.

Those are some foods that can trigger the onset of Acne.
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